Friday 30 October 2009


Completely forget my loggin details for a while there, hence the silence! Silly me.

Anyway, I am reading Richard Dawkins' book the God Delusion at the moment, which quotes a paradox about omnipotence. It goes like this:

If God is omnicognisent, then He (or She) knows what will happen in the future, including the actions He will take. Since He knows what He will do, He cannot change that action. This therefore means He is not omnipotent, as His ability to do something different is gone.

Does this hold true? Is it possible that by being omnipotent He can be anyplace at anytime, possibly even every place at every time? Time and place would surely have little meaning, so future, past & present are as one and there is no knowing 'what He will do' as much as knowing 'what He did', even if for us it hasn't happened yet.

Does this mean that there is no paradox?